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18th February 2011

Rosie: A bit of drama to tell you about this week! The chimney in the living room caught fire and after a lot of noise (from the fire alarms) and running in and out by my owners and Francesca (eldest grandchild), who was trying to rescue her favourite toys, Rosie and Bowie, the fire brigade were called. The alpacas were actually the first to notice the sparks – they gathered in a group and Adam sounded the alarm. The fire-truck arrived and there were five firemen! Misty and I were on our leads so we weren’t allowed to meet and greet them in our usual exuberant way, but it was all very exciting.

To top that, there are now two ponies in the orchard next door. They are brown and white and we enjoy barking at them when they come too close to the fence!

All the family are coming back for the weekend so We’re looking forward to playing with our little visitors and Elsa (our German Shepherd friend).


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