8th September 2012

Misty: While i’ve found a cool, shady spot where I can lay down in the garden, Rosie is going completely crazy chasing up and down the fence, barking at the boys. The girls have wandered into the top paddock and this has upset Sonny and Adam. They are shrieking and running around trying to get the girls attention. Leo and Charlie are trying to join in, and the two who normally enjoy a good neck wrestle and play fight (Angelo and Alfie) are stood watching, looking rather bemused.

The final two cria were born this week. A beautiful little girl with a bow on her head for Lucina (we have yet to pick a name for her) and a dark brown boy for Evie, who is called Jonnie (after Jonnie Peacock, who won the Men’s T44 100m the day the cria was born). Have a look at the pictures below!

We thought poor Selene had broken her foot earlier in the week, but after the vet came out, checked her over and gave her a dose of metacam, she seems fine – she must have just got it caught in a rabbit hole and needed a day of recuperation with Annie Rose in the shed.

A new baby alpaca
Our new baby girl


26th August 2012

Rosie: I’m not Rosie today – I’m Timmy! The grandchildren are playing Famous Five and have cast me as leading dog (Misty is ‘Tinker’ – The Sticks dog from ‘Five Run Away Together’).

The sun is shining and we are waiting for either Evie or Lucy to give birth. Kimani has already had a baby girl call Keziah and Poppy a little boy, called Marcellus.

The hay was baled and gathered back in July and the boys are now all in the big top paddock – so they’re not easy to spot sometimes, but at least the short grass and bugling alpacas keep the fox away.

The fox had claimed most of the chickens and we are left with Lenny (the cockerel) and Mad-Eyed Maisy (who Lenny doesn’t fancy as much as he did the others). Hopefully we will get some more to keep them company soon.

Have a look at the photo of Keziah and Marcellus below – we will keep you posted when the other babies are born!

Kesiah and Marcellus
Kesiah and Marcellus

2nd June 2012

Misty: Exciting times here at Garsons Field. Colin the shearer came over on Friday afternoon and gave all the alpacas hair cuts. This was the second time he’s visited recently as the animals were too damp when he came up before. Alfie was the first to be shorn, but wouldn’t leave the pen until his best friend Angelo had been done too. We were very impressed with Angelo and his sister Lorelei’s fleeces – no wonder they looked hot last week!

We’ve also been busy decorating the gate for the Regil ‘Great Gate Walk’ (a competition within the village for the best Jubilee themed decorated gate). Have a look below at some of the pictures we put together to hang up!

HRH Holly, complete with corgi
HRH Holly


Boomy lighting up the BBQ
BBQing Boomy
Cholina with tea and scones
Tea and scones, ma’am?
Charlie showing off his shelter with Queen portrait
Charlie’s favourite royal